Box Turtles
Desert Box Turtle- Terrapene ornata luteola
Three Toed Box Turtle- Terrapene carolina triunguis
Eastern Box Turtle- Terrapene carolina carolina
Gulf Coast Box Turtle- Terrapene carolina major
White Lined Geckos- Gekko vittatus
Giant Day Gecko- Phelsuma grandis
Leachianus Gecko- Rhacodactylus leachianus
Woma python-Aspidites ramsayi
Reticulated python- Malayopython reticulatus
Venomous Reptiles
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake- Crotalus atrox
For the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake we have the following morph: Albino and patternless
Western Cottonmouth-Agkistrodon contortrix oma
For the Western cottonmouth we have an albino morph